Courtside Rules & Regulations Revised 10/16/2023 



All members with guests are asked to enter the clubhouse and check-in at the front desk before proceeding to the courts, this will help us account for who is on property at any given time. Guests must be checked-in at the front desk unless the clubhouse is closed. 


Proper tennis attire must be worn on the courts at all times. Shirt must be worn at all times and all changes of clothing should take place in the locker rooms. 


Court 4 will be used as the Pro’s court for lessons, drills, and clinics. In the event that court 4 is not in service, and other Har Tru courts are not available, the Tennis Director and his staff can use the Hard courts of lessons, drills, and clinics. 


Club Approved Activities: 

Courtside has several activities that are considered “club approved”. A club approved activity will be given priority on the court reservations. An example of a club approved activity would be: league matches, lessons and clinics, round robin events, and certain groups that serve to welcome or integrate members and potential members to the club. A club approved activity must be approved by the Board of Directors and Tennis Director. 

Courtside Tennis Club has two ways to reserve court times. Members can reserve their own court time using our online reservation system, or they can call the clubhouse (during the hours of operation) and ask the staff to reserve a court for them. Court reservations can not be made by leaving a message on the club answering machine.

Courtside Rules & Regulations Revised 10/16/2023 


Court numbers 1-9 can be reserved for one and one half (1.5) hours. 

Courts (#1- #9) have three (3) time slots that can be reserved in the mornings: 8:00 am - 9:30 am, 9:30 am - 11:00 am, and 11:00 am - 12:30 pm*. *During league season, the 11:00 am time slot will be for (1) one hour from 11:00am – 12:00 pm if the courts are needed for home matches. Courts can also be reserved in the afternoons. 

Court numbers 10 &11 can be reserved for either a ½ hour, or for an (1) one hour increment. Court #11 is for reserving the ball machine, court #10 can be reserved to use the hitting wall, for serve practice, or to play or practice. 

October to the end of May (Monday – Saturday) - Members can use the Reserved courts for singles or doubles play from 8:00 am- 9:30 am. From 9:30 am – 11:00 am the Reserved courts are for Doubles play only. Beginning at 11:00 am the Reserved courts can again be used for either singles or doubles play.  

June to the end of September (summer season Monday – Saturday)- Members can use the Reserved courts for singles or doubles play beginning at 8:00 am during any of the time slots. 

Reservations can be made up to seven (7) days in advance beginning at 8:00 am. For example, reservations for Monday courts can be made on the preceding Monday. Reservations for Tuesday courts can be made on the preceding Tuesday and so on through the rest of the week. 

Reservations can be made for court time 365 days a year. 

When reserving a court online, there must be three (3) names included for doubles (the fourth is TBD), and for singles two (2) names must be included.  

Reserved courts can be used for Doubles, Singles and practice, however, October 01 through May 31 the 9:30 time slot is only for doubles play. 

The member making the reservation must be part of the group playing during the reserved period. 

A ten (10) minute grace period will be given before a Reserved court is forfeited. 

If a Reserved court is placed out of service by the Tennis Director, or staff, that action will not affect any other Reserved court. Example, if court # 9 is placed out of service, the members who reserved Court # 9 cannot kick other members off from their court.

Courtside Rules & Regulations Revised 10/16/2023 


Although the clubhouse is closed on Sundays, members can still reserve court time using our online reservation system. If a member has a guest play on a Sunday, the member should pay the guest fee as soon as possible. 


Guests are allowed. 

Guests must be checked-in at the front desk unless the clubhouse is closed. The Guest Fee is $10 

Each guest may play no more than two (2) times per month and must be identified when making the reservation. 

The Guest Fee for visiting, immediate family is $10 per day. They can play every day but for no more than (7) days.  

Guests must be accompanied by the member.  

The member is responsible for their guest and their guest’s behavior while on property. Junior guests (18 years old or younger) play free. 

Members who bring guests to the club after the office is closed (or on Sundays) will need to pay the guest fee when the office opened. 

Prospective members may play two (2) times at no charge. 


Each league entry shall be approved by the Board of Directors prior to the beginning of its season. Leagues shall be self-administered and at no cost to the Courtside Tennis Club. No league play shall be scheduled prior to 12:00 pm (October to end of May). All team members must be Courtside members. Scheduled league play shall take preference over Reserved courts. Not more than eight courts may be reserved for league play at one time. Team captains must provide their game schedules to the office staff as soon as possible so that the courts can be made available on the date of play 


All tournaments shall be approved by the Board of Directors in advance of the scheduling. The membership shall be advised thirty days (30) in advance of tournament play prior to the beginning of any tournament.

Courtside Rules & Regulations Revised 10/16/2023 


Full-time members reserve the right to vote during election of new members to the Board of Directors. 

Full-time members may, through the election process to fill vacant seats, serve on the Board of Directors. 

Full-time members have the option to pay dues monthly. 

A Full-time member who pays their membership dues monthly but quits the club before their (12) month membership is completed will not be allowed to rejoin the club until the Board of Directors reviews and approves them. 

Example: A person joins as a Full-time member and is paying monthly, they then quit the club after only four (4) months. They will not be allowed to join again as a member until the Board of Directors reviews their new membership application. 

A Full-time member, who has paid for their membership in full in advance, but wants to quit the club before their twelve (12) month membership is completed will not be given a refund. If they want to join the club again, they may do so without penalty. 


Courtside’s medical leave policy is designed to provide support to members of Courtside Tennis Club, who are unable to play tennis due to a long-term medical condition. This policy allows members to either suspend their dues or extend their membership during their period of inability to play. 

To request medical leave, a member must submit a letter to the Board of Directors (Board). It is important to note that medical leave requests cannot be made by phone to the office staff. 

In order to qualify for medical leave, a member must be unable to play for a minimum of (2) continuous months (60 continuous days), up to a maximum of (9) months (270 days). 

A physician’s note indicating the medical condition and the expected length of recovery may be requested by the Board. 

Members with obvious injuries such as casts, crutches, braces, or non-surgical conditions may be exempt from providing a physician’s note. However, the Board reserves the right to request additional documentation if deemed necessary.  

All medical leave requests are subject to review and action by the Board at any time during the process. The Board will assess the validity and duration of the medical leave request and make a decision accordingly.

Courtside Rules & Regulations Revised 10/16/2023 


When you are waiting for your court, please do not enter the court early if other members are playing. Wait until it is your time or until a point has finished, before entering the court or gathering under the canopy. 

When you court time is over, please gather your belongings and exit the court and canopy area quickly especially if others are on the court after you. Do not loiter under the canopy after your court time is over. 

When you are entering your court, do not cut across another court to access your court. Even if it is a lesson court, it is considered rude to cut across one court to access another. 

Members need to cancel their court reservation as soon as they know that they will not be using the court, so other members can possibly use the court. 

Racket throwing, abusive language, temper tantrums, or other offensive behavior will not be tolerated and may be grounds for loss of privileges or membership. 

Members must treat other members and the Courtside employees with respect at all times. Offensive behavior directed at other members or employees will not be tolerated and may be grounds for loss of privileges or membership. 

No glass containers shall be allowed on the courts. 

No smoking shall be allowed on the property. 

No alcoholic beverages may be consumed at any time on club property by any individual under the legal age.  

Authorized personnel only will be allowed in the general office area. Any problems i.e., rules and regulations interpretations, should be directed to the Tennis Director. 

Members should report any maintenance concerns to the Tennis Director. 

Approved by the 

Board of Directors, Courtside Tennis Club 

December 14, 2021, effective January 01, 2022 

REVISED 10/16/2023